Monday, September 28, 2009

Nothing New

Nothing new to post health wise. I have been in IM training mode for about a month now except for a couple weeks off for business and personal travel. My wife and I were blessed with the opportunity to go to Israel for 10 days. What a trip! If you asked me what I liked most I would have to say to big of a question. It was all amazing. I would suggest it to anyone. Want some info I will put you in contact with our church. They put on a top shelf trip!

My wife and I are back in IVF mode. Got some good news today regarding the plan. Will post more in weeks to come. Pray for us that God may bless us with a child.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


IM training is going well. Seem to be experiencing the normal soreness tiredness associated with IM training. Weight has been coming off well. Lots of base training for now.

ECD I was supposed to go back up to Mayo this summer. Forwarded Dr. Torres my results from most recent blood tests and he said that he felt I would be ok to wait to come back until next Jan 2010. This was good news.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Been a while since I have updated this blog. Nothing major going on health wise. Making an appointment today to have kidney function checked and also to get back up to Mayo sometime this summer maybe early fall.

I did have a stress fracture occur on one of the bones in my foot. I have been dealing with that for several months now. Being fitted for orthotics and having PT work done. We are still trying to have a baby no luck yet. I have been having accupunture done to "maybe" help with fertility issues.

I have signed up for another Iron Man race. Well not really a race more like a long workout that is a race for a few. It's in May 2010 so hopefully I can get my foot and body back in shape over the next year. I've been swimming 3 days per week and biking on the trainer 6 days per week. Very little running due to my foot issues.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Back from Mayo. All looks good. Doctors decided to not only delay my going on cytoxan but also to take me off tamoxifen. Said that things had not changed in a few years didn't see why risk going on cytoxan a drug that could cause cancer. So this trip was a real blessing from God.

Having hernia surgery #3 tomorrow morning. Not looking forward to it. You think I would be used to it by now. Oh well.

Thats all I know for now. Maybe post some pictures from Mayo if Wife emails to me.

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers,